
Can you ruin your rhinoplasty?
Can you ruin your rhinoplasty?

Can you ruin your rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgical procedures performed worldwide to correct the appearance and function of the nose. However, sometimes after sleeping and swelling and bruising in the mirror, the patient sees something contrary to their expectations or

Kosar Mahdizadeh
10 September. 2020
Natural nose job
What is Natural Rhinoplasty? reshape nose naturally

Natural nose job is a method which focuses on maintaining the nasal cartilage, bone, and soft tissue in a natural position, creating a completely natural structure. In this method your surgeon may create a nose which does not look surgical.

10 September. 2020
How do you need a nose job?

Should I get a nose job? The foundation of your face is your nose. Your nose’s size, shape, and placement can either enhance your brilliant smile and bright eyes or detract attention from them. A plastic surgeon can assist tho

Mohammad khorramdin
10 September. 2020
How can a nose job go wrong?
How can a nose job go wrong?

One of the most common mistakes patients make in rhinoplasty is that a patient who has difficulty breathing is treated first for respiratory problems and then for beauty. Patients who need both operations should consider these operations at the same time. Since the nose is a whole, it is better

Hasti Shabani MD
10 September. 2020
Is Rhinoplasty painful?
Is Rhinoplasty painful?

Is Rhinoplasty painful? What You Should Know Before a Nose Job? Although nose jobs are among the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide, many surgeons report low patient satisfaction rates, perhaps due to our sensitivity to this part of the face. However, most individuals thinking about rhino

Elham Rabiee
10 September. 2020
Can you feel your nose after nose job?

Both men and women opt to undergo rhinoplasty for a number of reasons. Many people contemplate rhinoplasty for solely aesthetic reasons, although it might be necessary to fix structural problems like as a deviated septum. Patients who have rhinoplasty for medical or cosmetic reasons are often imp

Kosar Mahdizadeh
10 September. 2020
How common is a nose job?
How common is a nose job?

Rhinoplasty for women and men has become very common in large part because it addresses a wide array of both aesthetic and medical issues. Thus, there are various reasons why men and women nowadays seek rhinoplasty processes. In this article we try to talk about different aspects of rhinop

Hasti Shabani MD
10 September. 2020
What causes a big nose?

What causes a big nose? Factors affecting the shape of the nose: Factors affecting the shape of the nose We all know that each person’s genetics are very influential in their appearance, and that is why

Hasti Shabani MD
10 September. 2020
Where is the plastic surgery capital of the world?

Where is the plastic surgery capital of the world? Most plastic surgeries are performed in Korea! Most cosmetic surgery is performed in this country while we thought that Iranian men and women with their noses have turned this into the center of cosmetic surgery in the world; the women of another

Elham Rabiee
10 September. 2020
Does your nose still grow after rhinoplasty?
Does your nose still grow after rhinoplasty?

People have many questions and concerns about their nose job surgery process. One of the most important questions is about nose regrowth after rhinoplasty and recovery. The fact is that the body is constantly changing. This change may be due to weight loss or even weight gain. Changes occur with

Mohammad khorramdin
28 July. 2020
Best age to get a nose job Nose job youngest age
Best age to get a nose job Nose job youngest age

The low age of some requests for a nose job are shocking. Age is the first step to qualification the rhinoplasty candidates. Mentally and physically growth are noticeable for surgeon and patients.

Kosar Mahdizadeh
12 July. 2020
Is nose job safe?
Is nose job safe? Risks of a nose job

Talking about a surgery and operation room may be scaring for somebody, even they afraid of
blood, so here we talk about risks and sagety of getting a nose job. Hope to be helpful.

30 June. 2020