Facelift in Iran

Recovery time

Recovery time :

12 - 14 days
Clinic stay

Clinic stay :

1 day
Stay in Iran

Stay in Iran :

7 days

Cost :

From 1800€ per area
Facelift in Iran

What is Facelift ?

A facelift refers to a cosmetic intervention aimed at eliminating surplus skin, minimizing creases or lines, and firming the facial tissues. The procedure is not medically necessary and carries certain risks.

As individuals age, the skin and tissues naturally lose their elasticity, resulting in sagging and wrinkles. Rhytidectomy, or facelift surgery, is a surgical method that elevates and tightens these facial tissues.

During a facelift, excess skin can be removed, folds or wrinkles can be smoothed, and facial tissue can be tightened. However, it does not encompass procedures such as brow or eye lifts, although these may be performed concurrently.


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Facelift insurance coverage

The overall expense of a facelift procedure comprises the surgeon’s fee, the facility fee for the surgical center, and the anesthesia fee. Since facelift procedures are cosmetic in nature, health insurance companies do not typically cover the cost. Consequently, the patient is solely responsible for the entire amount.

Facelift cost in Iran

In Iran, the cost of a facelift typically begins at 2,000€, encompassing various expenses such as anesthesia, medications, and clinic fees. If a neck lift is desired in addition to the facelift, an extra cost ranging from 200€ to 500€ may be incurred. For the most recent pricing details on facelift procedures in Iran, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

How painful is a facelift ?

Facelifts are widely considered the most effective procedure for achieving facial rejuvenation. When patients no longer achieve satisfactory long-term results with less invasive treatments, they often choose facelifts as a solution. However, one common concern voiced by patients is the perceived pain associated with the procedure.

Fortunately, patients are often pleasantly surprised to discover that their fears regarding pain are largely unfounded when it comes to facelift procedures. Through the use of advanced surgical techniques, pain, scarring, and post-surgical recovery can be minimized. With meticulous planning, the facelift procedure itself and the subsequent recovery process can be relatively quick and straightforward.

Facelift in Iran cost

How you prepare for facelift

Preparing for a facelift involves similar steps to preparing for any other surgical procedure. Prior to the surgery, your doctor will likely request presurgical evaluation to assess your overall health.

In preparation for the facelift, your doctor may advise you to:

Adjust medications: Certain medications may need to be temporarily discontinued or their dosage adjusted before the procedure. This will be determined by your doctor.

Quit smoking: It is typically recommended to stop smoking before the surgery as smoking can interfere with the healing process.

Avoid specific substances: Aspirin, anti-inflammatory pain relievers, and herbal supplements might need to be avoided to minimize the risk of bleeding and bruising.

Apply specific products: Your doctor may instruct you to apply certain products to your face prior to the procedure. These products could be part of a preoperative skincare routine to optimize the condition of your skin.

Why choose iran for facelift ?

Iran is renowned for having highly skilled plastic surgeons who are internationally recognized for their expertise. These Iranian plastic surgeons are all board-certified and have undergone comprehensive training and fellowships at prestigious medical universities and hospital colleges. Their specialization extends to various cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeries.

Iranian facelift surgeons have a proven history of successful surgeries, demonstrating their expertise in delivering safe and effective facelift procedures that result in a rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. They dedicate considerable time and effort to understanding each patient’s unique needs and preferences. This involves thorough pre-operative discussions and consultations, as well as attentive post-operative care. Employing an individualized approach, these surgeons strive to deliver the best possible outcomes for each patient.

Mediranco Health Tourism Company is a reputable organization in Iran that specializes in facilitating health tourism services, including plastic surgery procedures such as facelifts. They work closely with highly skilled and internationally recognized Iranian plastic surgeons who have undergone extensive training and have a proven track record of successful surgeries.

When considering why to choose Iran for a facelift, Mediranco Health Tourism Company can provide a comprehensive package that includes access to these skilled Iranian plastic surgeons. The company ensures that patients receive personalized care, starting from pre-operative discussions and consultations to post-operative follow-up care. By partnering with Mediranco, individuals seeking facelift procedures in Iran can benefit from the expertise and dedication of these experienced surgeons, resulting in safe and effective outcomes that enhance their appearance and provide a more youthful look.

The Professional plastic surgeon for Facelift

What are the steps of a facelift procedure?

Facelift surgery comprises several steps, and here is an explanation of each one:

Anesthesia: Your surgeon will administer either general anesthesia (putting you to sleep) or IV sedation to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The choice of anesthesia will be determined by your surgeon based on your specific needs.

The incision: Depending on the type of facelift you opt for, your surgeon will make incisions in various areas, such as:

  • Along your hairline.
  • Around your ears.
  • Along the lower scalp.
  • Under your chin.
  • Inside your mouth.

The size and location of the incisions will vary depending on the specific facelift technique chosen. Your surgeon will discuss these details with you prior to the surgery.

The procedure: Facelift procedures commonly entail the repositioning and removal of excess facial skin and fat, alongside the tightening of facial muscles to achieve desired facial rejuvenation. The exact actions performed will depend on the type of facelift you and your surgeon decide upon. Your surgeon will provide a thorough explanation of the procedure and its specific steps before your surgery.

Closing the incisions: Following the facelift procedure, your surgeon will close the incisions.

Facelift in Iran

What you can expect from facelift in Iran

A properly performed facelift can have a life-changing impact. There are numerous doctors who offer facelift procedures, but only a select few possess the combination of artistic skill and scientific expertise needed to achieve truly excellent results. If you’re seriously considering facelift surgery, it’s natural to have questions and concerns about what to expect. While cosmetic surgery, especially on the face, can evoke nervousness, it is important to note that it is typically a safe procedure with rare serious complications.

During a consultation for facelift surgery in Iran, the doctor will provide a detailed explanation of the procedure and conduct a thorough assessment to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

There are various options for modern facelift procedures. The choice of procedure depends on the desired outcomes. Often, facelift surgery is combined with neck lift surgery, liposuction, and fat injections to achieve optimal results.

Types of Facelift procedure

There are different types of facelift, but the common are as the following:

Jawline Rejuvenation:

Jawline rejuvenation is a surgical procedure suitable for enhancing the appearance of the jawline and neck area. It involves the use of liposuction to remove excess fat, allowing for the sculpting of the jawline. The extracted fat can also be utilized for facial volume enhancement through injection. This procedure is particularly suitable for individuals with good skin elasticity, as no skin removal is involved.

Mini Facelift:

A mini facelift is a variation of the traditional facelift performed on a smaller scale. It involves smaller incisions that are concealed within the hairline. The surgeon tightens the skin and removes excess fat to improve the appearance of the neck and jowls. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have minimal signs of aging but are not ready for a full facelift.

Mid Facelift:

A mid-facelift targets the cheek area specifically. Small incisions are made above the ears in the hairline and inside the mouth. The fat pads in the cheeks are repositioned over the cheekbones, and the skin is tightened, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.


The S-lift focuses on the lower third of the face, including the neck and jowls. The procedure involves making an S-shaped incision in the skin, allowing the underlying tissues to be separated. The skin is then lifted, enabling the surgeon to tighten the muscles and tissues before closing the incision with sutures.

Traditional Facelift:

The traditional facelift is suitable for individuals seeking significant improvement in signs of aging. Incisions are made along the hairline, around the ears, and below the chin. The skin is carefully dissected to tighten the relevant areas of the face and neck. This results in a smoother appearance and a more defined neckline. Excess fat is removed from the neck and jowl area, and the skin is repositioned and trimmed.


Last Words about facelift in Iran

A facelift is a surgical cosmetic procedure specifically developed to target and mitigate signs of facial aging. It entails the removal of surplus skin, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, and tightening the underlying facial tissues.

It is crucial to note that a facelift is not medically necessary and carries certain risks. Therefore, it is important to be well-prepared and informed about the procedure and the recovery process.

If you are considering a facelift, it is recommended to consult with a plastic surgeon who is board certified. They can provide you with detailed information about the procedure, assess your suitability for the surgery, and help you explore your options.

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What questions should I ask my surgeon?

  • The cost of a facelift in Iran can vary depending on several factors such as the specific procedure, the surgeon, and the location, but it generally ranges from $2,000 to $4,000.

  • Iran is often considered an ideal country for a facelift due to its highly skilled plastic surgeons, affordable medical costs, and the country’s reputation for medical tourism, offering a combination of quality healthcare and competitive prices.

  • The types of facelift procedures include traditional facelift, mini facelift, mid facelift, S-lift, thread lift, and non-surgical facelift options.

  • The best age for a facelift varies depending on individual factors, but it is typically considered for individuals in their 40s to 60s who are experiencing signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles.

  • The average age at which a woman gets a facelift is typically around 50 to 60 years old, although individual preferences and factors may vary.

  • The decision for a 70-year-old to undergo a facelift should be made in consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, considering factors such as overall health, skin condition, and individual goals, as older individuals can still benefit from a facelift if they are in good health and have realistic expectations.

  • The optimal timing for a facelift varies for each individual, and it is a personal decision based on factors such as individual aging process, personal preferences, and consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

  • The longevity of a lower facelift varies depending on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and the quality of skin maintenance, but generally, the results of a lower facelift can last between 5 to 10 years.

  • To minimize their visibility, facelift scars are usually strategically placed within inconspicuous areas like the hairline or along natural skin creases, ensuring they remain well-hidden. Skilled plastic surgeons take great care to ensure that facelift scars are as discreet as possible, but individual healing and scar characteristics can vary.

  • Facelift scars do not disappear entirely, but with time, proper care, and skilled surgical techniques, they can become less noticeable and fade.

  • The scars for a facelift are typically located within the hairline, around the ears, and sometimes extend into the natural creases around the earlobe and behind the ear, aiming to keep them as inconspicuous as possible.

  • The scars for a traditional facelift are typically located within the hairline, extending downward in front of the ear, around the earlobe, and into the crease behind the ear.

  • The hidden incision for a facelift refers to an incision that is strategically placed within the hairline or along natural skin creases, such as in front of the ear, around the earlobe, or behind the ear, to minimize its visibility and make it less noticeable after the healing process.

  • It is generally advised to wait for at least two weeks after a facelift before coloring your hair to ensure proper healing of the incisions and minimize the risk of complications.

  • The timing for washing your hair after a facelift can vary depending on the specific instructions provided by your surgeon, but typically you can begin washing your hair a few days after the procedure, following the post-operative guidelines provided to you.

  • During a facelift procedure, the hair is not directly affected or removed. The incisions are typically made around the hairline or within natural creases, and the hair is carefully preserved and not typically affected by the surgery.

  • The duration of a facelift surgery can vary depending on the specific techniques used, the extent of the procedure, and the individual patient, but on average, it typically takes around 3 to 5 hours to perform a facelift surgery.

  • Pain experiences can vary among individuals, but it is common to experience some discomfort, tightness, and mild pain after a facelift surgery, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and proper post-operative care.

  • Visible bruising and swelling typically subside within a few weeks to a month after a facelift, but it may take several months to see the full results and feel completely back to a normal appearance.

  • The amount of time spent in bed after a facelift can vary, but typically patients are advised to rest and limit physical activity for the first few days to a week after the surgery, gradually increasing activity levels as recommended by their surgeon.

  • Iran is often chosen for facelift procedures due to several factors, including highly skilled plastic surgeons, affordable medical costs, advanced healthcare infrastructure, a reputation for quality cosmetic procedures, and the opportunity to combine the surgery with medical tourism and cultural experiences.