How can a nose job go wrong?

Medical content writer - Medical student
10 September. 2020
How can a nose job go wrong?
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One of the most common mistakes patients make in rhinoplasty is that a patient who has difficulty breathing is treated first for respiratory problems and then for beauty. Patients who need both operations should consider these operations at the same time. Since the nose is a whole, it is better to perform nasal obstruction and cosmetic interventions at the same time.

How can a nose job go wrong?

One of the most common mistakes made in rhinoplasty is that the patient cannot breathe during normal breathing. This is because the valve mechanism at the entrance to the nose is disrupted due to tissue coming out of the wrong places. When the patient is breathing, the wings of the nose close and prevent air from entering.

Excessive bone or cartilage removal may also cause nasal prolapse, asymmetry at the tip of the nose, and deviation. As a result, the experience of the specialist performing the surgery, the correct evaluation of the patient and the accuracy of the operation affect the outcome.

As a result, rhinoplasty, face is not compatible with the nose in some patients, the abnormal, or tip is too high and short, rhinoplasty is clear. We call these rhinoplasty errors.

What percentage of rhinoplasty fails?

The decision to have plastic surgery is a personal choice . You  decide if the benefits are more than side effects and  if the complications of rhinoplasty are acceptable.

Your plastic surgeon  will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery that you fully understand the procedure and any risks or potential complications.

Some Patients dissatisfied with the primary rhinoplasty and have to go for revision rhinoplasty. As a whole, most patients achieve wonderful results, Rhinoplasty failure occurs in only 5- to 10 percent of case ,patients can opt for revision rhinoplasty to address their concerns after their first nose job went wrong Here are some complications that arise after a rhinoplasty:

Signs of a bad nose job

Disproportionate Appearance

Pollybeak Deformity:

(also known as supratip deformity) is the most common cause for revision rhinoplasties. inexperienced surgeons sometimes fill the little dip above the tip of the nose  too much. When the area above the tip of the nose appears overly full, it subsequently causes the nose to protrude downward This may give  the nose a rounded look, similar to the beak of a parrot.

 scooped out bridge:

 also known as “saddle nose,” can occur when a cosmetic surgeon uses an  chisel when operating. Using a chisel leaves little room for error because it takes out the bridge of the nose in one movement but may cause the bridge of the nose, above the nasal tip but below the eye line looks scooped, appearing closer to the face than the nasal tip.

Over-Extended Nose Tip:

This is another mistake made by inexperienced surgeons. Over-extended or high nose tip (also known as  “Pinnochio nose”) is how far the nose protrudes from the face.when the patient’s nose sticks out excessively, often because there is too much cartilage supporting the tip.


also called tip bossae occurs when the cartilage on the sides of the nose is over-cut, causing it to lose its springiness. This is a correctable issue, but most surgeons only provide short-term relief to their patients by cutting more of the cartilage. Early bossae are due to uncorrected or inadvertently created asymmetries, while late bossae are due to fibrosis and scar contracture acting on a weakened cartilaginous framework.

Nasal Valve Collapse:

another common issue of rhinoplasty  gone wrong is nasal valve collapse . The nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nasal airway. If it happen can make it hard for the patient to breathe. Nasal valve collapse often requires a second surgery to fix. Even a  good rhinoplasty surgeon can not avoid this terrible scenario but can also fix it through corrective surgery

Tip of the nose issues (distorted tip):

There are many reasons cause  nose end up distorted after a rhinoplasty. The surgeon may remove too much cartilage during the procedure, this can cause the nose to break down and it might even start to become flattened and so breathing problems . It is also possible that the nostrils may become too narrow and will look “pinched.” This can be avoided by choosing an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. Replacing the lost cartilage is  highly recommended to create a natural appearance.


Having nasal congestion is common in the early stages of recovery, you may experience some stuffiness and congestion immediately after your rhinoplasty procedure. waiting about two to three weeks is common to got better breathing .however if a patient deals with nasal congestion for a longer amount of time, this can be a problem. It should be treated as soon as possible.

Other issues if your nose job gone wrong :


A bad rhinoplasty can be prevented if your surgeon has an exceptional sense of balance and aesthetics

Generally there is some risks with rhinoplasty as same as other surgical procedure and it may cause unsatisfying results. But if you choose a skilled and expert rhinoplasty surgeon who has many experiences in this field, you can decrease the risks and side-effects of the surgery and have less concerns .

Iran is the best destination for rhinoplasty

Iran is the best destination for rhinoplasty, with the cheapest price and the most professional surgeons. For more information and to see the Mediranco packages, read the nose job in Iran page.

Frequently asked question

  • As a whole, most patients achieve wonderful results, Rhinoplasty failure occurs in only 5- to 10 percent of case ,patients can opt for revision rhinoplasty to address their concerns after their first nose job went wrong

  • Pollybeak Deformity -also known as supratip deformity- is the most common cause for revision rhinoplasties. inexperienced surgeons sometimes fill the little dip above the tip of the nose  too much. When the area above the tip of the nose appears overly full, it subsequently causes the nose to protrude downward This may give  the nose a rounded look, similar to the beak of a parrot.


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