Why You Should Not Miss the Compression After Plastic Surgery

Medical content writer - Medical student
28 January. 2024
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Compression Garments after surgery : In the realm of plastic surgery, the quest for transformation doesn't end when the procedure concludes. While the surgical process marks a significant step towards achieving desired aesthetic goals, what follows is equally pivotal in ensuring the best possible outcome. One often-overlooked aspect of post-operative care that can significantly impact recovery and results is the use of compression garments. These seemingly simple garments play a crucial role in post-surgical healing, aiding in reducing swelling, supporting tissue, and ultimately enhancing the overall outcome of various cosmetic procedures. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of compression after plastic surgery, shedding light on its benefits and why it's an integral part of the recovery journey.

In this article we will discuss:

  1. What is a compression garment?
  2. Understanding the Role of Compression
  3. Managing Swelling and Inflammation
  4. Supporting Tissue and Contouring
  5. Improving Blood Circulation for Faster Healing
  6. Minimizing Scarring and Enhancing Aesthetic Results
  7. Choosing the Right Compression Garments: Tips and Recommendations
  8. Incorporating Compression into Your Post-Surgery Recovery Routine
  9. Final words
  10. FAQ

What is a compression garment?

What is a compression garment?

Compression garments, constructed from durable, breathable materials like nylon and elastic, are specialized garments intended for postoperative wear. They form a crucial component of the recovery process following plastic surgery procedures, ranging from breast augmentations to abdominoplasties, offering both comfort and support to aid in healing.

These garments cater to various body areas and surgical interventions, boasting a wide array of sizes, styles, and configurations. For instance, following breast surgery, individuals might be instructed to don a surgical compression bra, reminiscent of a high-impact sports bra but devoid of underwire. Similarly, procedures such as neck liposuction may necessitate the use of a compression garment encircling the head and chin region.

Furthermore, certain compression garments are tailored to encompass the lower body, featuring strategically placed openings to facilitate restroom use without requiring removal of the garment.

Understanding the Role of Compression

Compression Garments after surgery

Compression garments are essential for post-operative care in plastic surgery, exerting controlled pressure on treated areas to aid recovery and enhance results. Here are some results and benefits off wearing a compression garment, we will discuss them further in the next topics.

  • Reducing Swelling and Inflammation:

Compression minimizes fluid buildup, promoting efficient drainage and faster healing.

  • Supporting Tissue and Contouring:

Garments provide support, maintaining desired shape and preventing tissue shifting.

  • Improving Blood Circulation:

Gentle compression enhances blood flow, accelerating healing and reducing clotting risks.

  • Minimizing Discomfort and Pain:

Compression alleviates post-operative discomfort, improving patient comfort during recovery.

  • Promoting Scar Healing:

Consistent pressure encourages smoother, less noticeable scar formation over time. In summary, compression garments play a vital role in optimizing post-surgical outcomes. By understanding and adhering to their usage, patients can expedite healing, minimize complications, and achieve superior results from plastic surgery

Compression Garments after surgery : Managing Swelling and Inflammation

Swelling and inflammation are natural responses of the body following plastic surgery, but effectively managing these post-operative effects is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal results. Compression garments play a pivotal role in this process by providing controlled pressure to the treated areas, which helps minimize swelling and inflammation.

Compression garments work by exerting gentle pressure on the surgical site, effectively reducing the accumulation of excess fluid. This compression aids in improving the drainage of lymphatic fluid, which can become sluggish after surgery due to tissue trauma. By encouraging the proper flow of lymphatic fluid, compression garments facilitate the removal of toxins and waste products from the body, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation.

Additionally, compression garments help to support the tissues and promote better circulation. By providing stability to the treated areas, these garments prevent excessive movement and shifting of tissues, which can exacerbate swelling and delay healing. Furthermore, the improved blood circulation resulting from compression helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, further aiding in the healing process.

The benefits of compression garments in managing swelling and inflammation extend beyond the immediate post-operative period. Wearing compression garments consistently as recommended by the plastic surgeon can help prevent the recurrence of swelling and promote long-term healing. This is particularly important in procedures such as liposuction, where residual swelling can persist for several weeks or even months.

Supporting Tissue and Contouring

Compression Garments

In the realm of plastic surgery, achieving desired aesthetic outcomes often involves reshaping and contouring of the body's tissues. Whether it's a tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast augmentation, maintaining the newly sculpted contours is essential for optimal results. Compression garments play a crucial role in this process by providing support to the treated areas and helping to preserve the desired shape during the healing phase.

One of the primary functions of compression garments is to stabilize the tissues after surgery. Following a procedure, the body undergoes a healing process that includes tissue repair and reorganization. Compression garments help support this process by exerting controlled pressure on the surgical site, which minimizes movement and shifting of tissues. This stabilization is particularly important in procedures like liposuction, where the skin needs to adhere smoothly to the underlying tissues for optimal contouring.

Furthermore, compression garments help to reduce the risk of complications such as fluid accumulation or seroma formation. By providing external support to the treated areas, these garments help prevent the accumulation of excess fluid, which can interfere with the healing process and compromise the final results.

Another benefit of compression garments in supporting tissue and contouring is their ability to improve skin retraction. After procedures like liposuction or abdominoplasty, the skin may need time to retract and conform to the new underlying contours. Compression garments help facilitate this process by providing consistent pressure, which encourages the skin to adhere smoothly to the underlying tissues. This can result in tighter, firmer skin and a more sculpted appearance over time.

Compression Garments after surgery : Improving Blood Circulation for Faster Healing

One of the key benefits of compression garments in post-operative care after plastic surgery is their ability to enhance blood circulation, which plays a vital role in the healing process. By exerting controlled pressure on the treated areas, compression garments promote better blood flow, leading to accelerated healing and improved overall outcomes.

Following plastic surgery, the body undergoes a series of physiological changes, including alterations in blood flow to the surgical site. Compression garments help mitigate these changes by providing external support and gentle pressure, which aids in maintaining optimal blood circulation. This enhanced circulation ensures that essential nutrients and oxygen are delivered efficiently to the tissues, promoting faster healing and tissue regeneration.

Furthermore, improved blood circulation facilitated by compression garments helps reduce the risk of complications such as blood clots, which can occur during the post-operative period. By promoting the proper flow of blood through the veins and arteries, compression garments help prevent stagnation and clot formation, safeguarding the patient's health and well-being.

The benefits of improved blood circulation extend beyond the immediate post-operative phase, contributing to long-term healing and recovery. By ensuring that tissues receive an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, compression garments support the body's natural healing processes, allowing for more rapid tissue repair and regeneration.

Minimizing Scarring and Enhancing Aesthetic Results

In the pursuit of aesthetic enhancement through plastic surgery, minimizing scarring and achieving optimal results are top priorities for both patients and surgeons. While surgical techniques play a significant role in this process, post-operative care, including the use of compression garments, is equally crucial. Compression garments contribute to minimizing scarring and enhancing aesthetic outcomes by providing support, stability, and pressure to the treated areas.

One of the primary benefits of compression garments in minimizing scarring is their ability to exert controlled pressure on the incision sites. This pressure helps flatten and soften scars by preventing the overproduction of collagen, which can lead to hypertrophic or keloid scarring. By maintaining constant pressure on the skin, compression garments encourage proper wound healing and promote the formation of smoother, less noticeable scars over time.

Also, compression garments help to protect the incision sites from external factors that may interfere with the healing process. By providing a barrier against friction, irritation, and exposure to sunlight, compression garments help reduce the risk of complications such as infection and hyperpigmentation, which can affect the appearance of scars. This protective function is particularly important during the early stages of healing when scars are most vulnerable to damage.

In addition to minimizing scarring, compression garments also play a role in enhancing the overall aesthetic results of plastic surgery procedures. By providing support and stability to the treated areas, compression garments help maintain the desired shape and contour achieved during surgery. This is especially crucial in procedures such as liposuction and body contouring, where the skin needs to adhere smoothly to the underlying tissues for optimal results.

Choosing the Right Compression Garments: Tips and Recommendations

Compression Garments after surgery

Selecting the appropriate compression garments is essential for optimizing post-operative recovery and achieving the best possible outcomes after plastic surgery. With a wide variety of options available, it's important for patients to make informed decisions to ensure the garments meet their specific needs and provide the necessary support and comfort during the healing process. Here are some tips and recommendations for choosing the right compression garments:

Consult Your Plastic Surgeon:

Before purchasing compression garments, consult your plastic surgeon at Mediranco for guidance. Your surgeon can provide recommendations based on the type of procedure you've undergone, your unique anatomy, and any specific requirements for your recovery.

Ensure Proper Sizing:

Proper sizing is crucial for the effectiveness of compression garments. Garments that are too tight can restrict blood flow and cause discomfort, while those that are too loose may not provide adequate support. Follow the sizing guidelines provided by the manufacturer or consult with a professional fitter to ensure the garments fit snugly but comfortably.

Consider Material and Construction:

Compression garments are available in various materials, including nylon, spandex, and cotton blends. Consider factors such as breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and durability when selecting the material. Additionally, pay attention to the construction of the garments, ensuring they provide consistent compression and support to the treated areas.

Choose the Right Style of Compression Garments after surgery:

Compression garments come in different styles, including vests, bras, girdles, and sleeves, designed to target specific areas of the body. Choose a style that corresponds to the areas treated during surgery and provides adequate coverage and support. For example, abdominal binders are suitable for tummy tucks, while compression bras are ideal for breast augmentation or reduction procedures.

Opt for Adjustable Compression:

Some compression garments offer adjustable compression levels, allowing you to customize the amount of pressure applied to the treated areas. This flexibility can be beneficial as your swelling decreases and your healing progresses, allowing you to adjust the compression accordingly for optimal comfort and support.

Consider Post-Surgical Features:

Look for compression garments specifically designed for post-surgical use, which may include features such as reinforced seams, padded areas for added comfort and protection, and hook-and-eye closures for ease of wear. These features can enhance the effectiveness of the garments and improve your overall comfort during recovery.

Invest in Quality:

While cost may be a factor, investing in high-quality compression garments is essential for achieving optimal results. Quality garments are made from durable materials, offer consistent compression, and provide long-lasting support throughout your recovery journey. Remember that compression garments are an investment in your post-operative care and overall satisfaction with the surgical results.

In summary, choosing the right compression garments is crucial for facilitating a smooth and comfortable recovery after plastic surgery. By consulting with your plastic surgeon, ensuring proper sizing, considering material and construction, selecting the right style, opting for adjustable compression, and investing in quality garments, you can maximize the effectiveness of compression therapy and enhance your overall post-operative experience.

Incorporating Compression into Your Post-Surgery Recovery Routine

Compression Garments after surgery

Post-surgery recovery is a crucial phase in achieving optimal results from plastic surgery procedures. Among the many elements that contribute to a smooth recovery, incorporating compression garments into your post-surgery routine is vital. Compression garments play a significant role in reducing swelling, supporting tissues, and promoting healing after plastic surgery. Here's how you can effectively integrate compression into your post-surgery recovery routine:

1. Follow Your Surgeon's Recommendations about Compression Garments after surgery:

First and foremost, it's essential to adhere to your plastic surgeon's recommendations regarding the use of compression garments. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on when to start wearing compression garments, how long to wear them each day, and for how many weeks or months post-surgery.

2. Start Early and Wear Consistently:

Begin wearing compression garments as soon as your surgeon advises, typically within the first few days following surgery. Consistency is key – wear your compression garments as directed, following the recommended schedule provided by your surgeon. This may involve wearing them continuously for a certain number of hours each day or throughout the entire day and night.

3. Gradually Increase Wear Time:

As your recovery progresses and swelling decreases, you may gradually increase the duration of time you wear your compression garments. Follow your surgeon's guidance on when it's appropriate to extend wear time or reduce the level of compression provided by the garments.

4. Wear Compression Garments after surgery Properly:

Ensure that you wear your compression garments properly according to the manufacturer's instructions and any guidance provided by your surgeon. Make sure they fit snugly but comfortably, without causing discomfort or restricting blood flow. Proper positioning and adjustment of the garments are essential for maximizing their effectiveness.

5. Maintain Good Hygiene:

Keep your compression garments clean and dry to prevent skin irritation and infection. Follow care instructions provided by the manufacturer, which may include hand washing or using a delicate cycle in the washing machine. Avoid using harsh detergents or fabric softeners that could degrade the fabric or irritate your skin.

6. Listen to Your Body:

Pay attention to how your body responds to wearing compression garments. While it's normal to experience some discomfort initially, such as tightness or mild itching, any severe pain, numbness, or skin irritation should be reported to your surgeon promptly. Your surgeon can assess whether adjustments to the compression garments are needed or if there are any underlying issues that require attention.

7. Stay Active and Hydrated:

Engage in light physical activity as recommended by your surgeon to promote circulation and aid in the reduction of swelling. Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as proper hydration is essential for optimal healing and the effectiveness of compression therapy.

8. Attend Follow-Up Appointments:

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure that your recovery is proceeding as expected. Your surgeon may make adjustments to your compression regimen or provide additional guidance based on your healing trajectory.

Incorporating compression garments into your post-surgery recovery routine is a proactive step towards achieving the best possible outcomes from your plastic surgery procedure. By following your surgeon's recommendations, wearing compression garments consistently, maintaining proper hygiene, and staying attentive to your body's signals, you can support a smoother recovery and enjoy the transformative results of your plastic surgery journey.

Final words about Compression Garments after surgery

In conclusion, the role of compression garments in post-surgery recovery cannot be overstated. From reducing swelling and supporting tissue to promoting healing and enhancing comfort, compression garments play a pivotal role in optimizing outcomes following plastic surgery procedures. By incorporating compression into your post-surgery routine and following your surgeon's recommendations, you can expedite healing, minimize complications, and achieve the best possible results. Embrace compression as a valuable tool in your recovery journey, and reap the benefits of a smoother, more comfortable path towards your aesthetic goals.

Plastic Surgery in Iran

How much is Plastic Surgery in Iran?

Compared to the United States and other countries, the expenses for plastic surgery in Iran are notably lower, making it an attractive option for medical tourists worldwide. Iran boasts exceptional medical facilities, attracting many individuals seeking plastic surgery.

Liposuction, for instance, costs around 700€ per area in Iran, making it an appealing choice for those planning liposuction, tummy tucks, and various cosmetic surgeries. The affordability, combined with quality medical care, makes Iran a top destination for these procedures.


  • Compression garments serve to provide support to the surgical area, incisions, and the skin undergoing treatment. Excessive tightness in a compression garment can impede circulation and hamper the healing process. Therefore, it is essential for a compression garment to apply only gentle, supportive pressure, ensuring it sits smoothly against the skin without causing discomfort. Typically, the appropriate tightness allows enough space for a hand to slide underneath with ease.

  • It’s essential that postoperative garments provide support without inducing pain. If your compression garment is causing any discomfort, it’s crucial to schedule a prompt consultation with your plastic surgeon. Lower-quality support garments are often poorly fitting or crafted from inferior materials, which can exacerbate issues. Your plastic surgeon can ensure you are properly fitted with a high-quality compression garment tailored to your specific requirements.

  • wearing compression garments diligently during the initial 2 weeks following surgery is advised Subsequently, it’s recommended to wear the garment for half of the day for the subsequent 4 weeks.

  • Indeed, wearing a compression garment is paramount for achieving desired outcomes and mitigating potential complications such as fluid retention or inflammation. While brief intervals without the garment, such as during bathing, are permissible, adherence to your surgeon’s directives regarding its usage is crucial.

  • During the initial two weeks post-surgery, it’s crucial to wear the garment while sleeping. Following this period, you doctor may grant you the flexibility to wear the garment either during daytime or nighttime. Interestingly, many patients find sleeping in their compression garments quite comforting and often prefer it.

  • You surgeon typically advises a six-week regimen for most patients: wearing it continuously for the initial two weeks, followed by wearing it for half of the day over the subsequent four weeks.


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