Liposuction Side Effects

Medical content writer - Medical student
02 May. 2021
Liposuction Side Effects
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Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in which removes excess fat by suction. During liposuction, thin tubes (cannula) are inserted into small incisions in the skin that have already been made. Through these tubes, fat deposits are removed in certain parts of the body such as abdomen and hips, buttocks and thighs, knees, face and chin, upper arms, waist, and legs and will have a significant impact on fitness. Your doctor can move these tubes under the skin to target a specific situation. In this article we talk about Liposuction Side Effects. Risks, and Complications and ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction a Way with the Least Side Effects of Liposuction.

What are the Liposuction Side Effects and complications ?

As you know, this procedure, like all other procedures, has side effects, risks, and complications that include:

Risk factors for liposuction

Factors that have a negative effect on liposuction and increase the risk of surgery include:

Excessive liposuction

  • Excessive liposuction and performing two or more surgeries - simultaneously with liposuction on the same day - are the most important factors in increasing the risks of liposuction. Besides, people who have liposuction all over their body will face the complication of fat embolism. It is recommended to avoid liposuction for the whole body.


  • The surgeon usually strongly recommends avoiding smoking for two weeks before and after liposuction because smoking will increase the recovery time after the operation and wounds will be difficult to heal.

Special medical history

  • People with a history of blood clots and heavy bleeding, heart problems, seizures, pulmonary embolism, or immune system diseases, are more prone to the potential side effects of liposuction.

Taking certain medications

  • Liposuction is not recommended for people taking medications such as warfarin (a blood thinner), anti-inflammatory drugs, or aspirin because these drugs increase the risk of bleeding.


  • The younger the person, the better the results of liposuction. People over the age of 40 are more prone to sagging and wrinkling of the skin after liposuction.

General Liposuction Side Effects and complications

Allergic reactions or poisoning

This complication may occur due to drug allergies, whether under local or general anesthesia - during or after surgery.


Statistics from the year 2000 show that the mortality rate for traditional liposuction performed under general anesthesia was about 1 in 5,000.
Recent studies have shown that the mortality rate in liposuction under local anesthesia is much lower and no mortality was reported in a study of 65,000 liposuction cases.

Complications of breast liposuction

Liposuction is sometimes used to beautify and reduce the size of the breast which is associated with potential risks such as hematoma, cyst-like formation, infection, bruising, swelling, mild pain, and other general complications.

Complications of male liposuction

Infection, asymmetry, the elevation of the area under suction, pigmentation changes, and bleeding at the site are possible complications.

Complications of facial liposuction

In addition to the general side effects, the most important side effects of this procedure are skin discoloration, facial symmetry, and numbness, which may harm a person's mood.

Complications of lateral and dorsal liposuction

In addition to the general complications mentioned, the risk of removing excess fat near the skin, skin tissue death or necrosis, and skin damage in the lower back and back area is higher, which can lead to permanent skin discoloration are also included. In some cases, large and unpleasant skin blemishes may not heal over time.

Complications of abdominal liposuction

In addition to the general complications mentioned, abdominal prolapse, intra-abdominal perforation or visceral injury, abdominal hernia and gallstones are some of the possible complications of abdominal liposuction.
Early detection of an internal cauldron injury in the abdominal cavity usually does not cause serious problems in the end, but if the cannula causes perforation of the intestine, late diagnosis can cause serious abdominal problems and increase the risk of death.

Other Liposuction Side Effects and risks

  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Risks associated with anesthesia
  • Bruising
  • A change in skin sensation that may persist
  • Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, lungs, and abdominal organs
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin
  • Infection
  • Irregular lines or asymmetry
  • Irregular pigmentation
  • Requires reconstructive surgery
  • Continuous inflation
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Roughness or looseness of the skin
  • Heat burn or heat damage in ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty

Is liposuction applicable for people with diabetes?

Liposuction is not recommended for people with diabetes and has many side effects for them.

Is it possible to get pregnant after liposuction?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant after liposuction. Women can easily become pregnant and give birth after six months after liposuction.

What will menstruation be like after liposuction?

Regarding the menstrual irregularities of women. it should be said that after a month or a little more than the removal of fats by liposuction, women may delay or accelerate their menstrual process, which is quite normal and not a cause for concern. This case can happen in any surgery.

ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction: A way with the least side effects of liposuction

What is ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction Method?

In recent years, improved techniques have made the liposuction process safer and easier, and the patient feels less pain. One of the newest methods in the field of liposuction and body sculpting is ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction, which uses the energy of ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells. This sculpting method creates desirable results and reduces the possible complications of surgery.

How it works

Ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove localized fat from different parts of the body. In this method, using the high frequency of ultrasound waves, the cell wall of fats gets destroyed and prepared for suction and removal from the body. The frequency of ultrasonic waves is 40,000 Hz, which can apply a lot of energy to adipose tissue and affect it. This method can be a good alternative to the old methods of liposuction and body sculpting, which despite all its advantages, like any other surgery, is also associated with possible side effects, which we intend to fully explain in this article.

Risks and side effects of ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction

The side effects of ultrasonic liposuction are negligible compared to its benefits, and the patient has fewer problems than traditional body sculpting methods. In the following, we will describe the disadvantages and side effects of ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction.

  • In some patients, scars may remain.
  • If the surgeon is not proficient in the surgical equipment and procedure, he/she may use a high dose of radiation for a longer time and be unable to remove the adipose tissue evenly, in which case the skin surface becomes uneven.
  • If the surgeon does not have enough experience, there is a possibility of minor burns on the surface of the skin.

Is ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction worth it?

Due to the specific steps and process of performing Vaser liposuction there are no special side effects other than those mentioned in this method. Also, due to the very high cell recovery in the Vaser liposuction process, after the operation and having the least amount of swelling, bruising, and free of side effects, you will be able to continue your normal life routine.
In general, if the patient is fully examined and the operation is performed in a well-equipped center by an experienced team including a cosmetic surgeon, an anesthesiologist familiar with the operation, and an informed nursing team, Liposuction is particularly effective to correct the contour of the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In recent years, improved techniques have made the liposuction process safer and easier, and the patient feels less pain. One of the newest methods in the field of liposuction and body sculpting is ultrasonic or Vaser liposuction, which uses the energy of ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells. This sculpting method creates desirable results and reduces the possible complications of surgery.

  • Liposuction is not recommended for people with diabetes and has many side effects for them.

  • Yes, it is possible to get pregnant after liposuction. Women can easily become pregnant and give birth after six months after liposuction.


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