Why do I have a big nose? & What is rhinophyma?

The nose has a tremendous impact on our overall facial harmony and its size and shape can directly affect the...
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rhinophyma : The nose has a tremendous impact on our overall facial harmony and its size and shape can directly affect the profile of our face. As you know all human noses theoretically function the same, but its size is influenced by numerous factors such as genetic and climate.
For example, in tropical climates, nostrils are open and wider; conversely, in cold and dry climates, nostrils are small and narrow. In fact, the nose has a prominent spot on your face, therefore if you don’t like the way your nose looks, the primary procedure to address nose size is rhinoplasty.
In this article we explain about the big nose causes , the main concerns related to nose size and rhinophyma or big red nose.

Why do people have different-shaped noses?

Many scientists believe the quality of the air in a region, genetic and gender are the main factors that affect the face, nose and entire body shape. So a big nose might be caused by some factors including:

  • Genetic

Based on scientific research, genetic has a minimal effect on nose shape and its size may not be genetically inherited from your parents. Many scientists believe  that differences in the human nose have accumulated among populations through time.

  • Gender

Generally, males have larger nose compared to females. There are some scientists who theorize that the average male has a nose size of 2.2 inches, while the average female nose size is 2 inches.

  • Climate

The size of nose is highly influenced by climate and living in a dry or humid area can precisely affect the way the nose is shaped . For example, in warm, humid climates nostrils are open and wider to let more air flow in.
Cold, dry air can irritate the nasal, so less cold air is drawn into the body and people living in these climates have longer, narrower noses. Therefore, weather condition is the primary indicator of nose size and shape.

  • Aging process

Age, loss of collagen and elasticity, and an excessive buildup of skin can also impact the shape and size of nose and increase its width.

  • Other causes

Other causes such as car accidents, falls, sport injuries and even trauma to the nose during birth can cause damage to the nose structure.

What cause a big red nose?

A red nose, also known as rhinophyma, is a common symptom of the skin condition rosacea. If rosacea is not treated or controlled properly, it can cause the nose to enlarge and become red and rough.
big red nose typically affects the tip and sides of the nose and alters the skin’s color. The affected skin may appear bulbous, pitted, and scarred as a result of large pores.

Symptoms of rhinophyma

You may see some of the following symptoms:

  • facial flushing
  • patches of redness and blotchiness in the center of the face
  • pimples and pimples that recur
  • telangiectasia, or enlargement of the nose and cheeks’ small blood vessels
  • sensitivity of the skin
  • ocular rosacea
  • progressive development into a bloated, bulbous form
  • numerous oil glands
  • enlarged skin pores
  • reddish skin tone
  • thickening of the skin’s outer layers
  • waxy, rough appearance

what is rhinophyma ?

The cause of rhinophyma

In big red nose , inflammation from rosacea can cause proteins in the skin to stagnate and water to accumulate between the cells of the skin. The rosacea may begin anywhere in face but nose is the worst affected area.

This is a skin disorder that affects the nose, characterized by thicker skin and increased sebaceous glands. Rhinophyma is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by tender red lumps on the nose.

The cause of rhinophyma

  • Enlarged blood arteries may result in skin thickening
  • Vascular instability may result in liquid leakage into the tissues

How to Treat Rhinophyma

The most common treatments for it are surgery and medication. Surgery is the greatest option for patients with facial disfigurement, whether it involves straightening the nose, removing excess tissue, or lowering blood vessels
Additionally, it can develop on the chin, ears, eyelids, and forehead. It is critical to seek therapy as soon as possible after seeing symptoms.
Treatments of big red nose include:

  • Antibiotics, both topical and oral, to reduce inflammation and redness
  • topical anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Oral pills that inhibit the formation of oil by skin glands
  • laser resurfacing
  • cryosurgery
  • dermabrasion

Can Rhinoplasty Help With Rhinophyma?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that includes modifying the nose’s structure, whereas rhinophyma is a skin condition that can be treated externally using the procedures outlined previously.
it develops gradually over several years, and you should consult a dermatologist as soon as you notice any indications or symptoms.
If you’re considering rhinoplasty for another reason or simply want to alter your nose, call our highly qualified experts to schedule a consultation.

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