Post-op Diet for Gastric Sleeve

Medical content writer - Medical student
24 October. 2023
Gastric Sleeve Diet
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Gastric sleeve post op diet: Obesity is one of the most common issues of the modern world. Aside from diet and exercise which are the best natural ways to lose weight, bariatric surgery is a permanent solution and last resort for obese people. Gastric sleeve surgery, also called sleeve gastrectomy, is a kind of bariatric surgery procedure which involves removing a large portion of your stomach and leaving behind a narrow “sleeve”. Reducing the stomach helps restrict calories and reduce hunger signals resulting in weight loss.

 If you’re planning on having gastric sleeve surgery and wondering about your diet after the surgery stay with us through this article to learn more about this topic.

The long-term success of sleeve gastrectomy depends on following dietary recommendations. Below are some guidelines on pre-op and post-op dietary recommendations which are geared toward aiding recovery, maximizing the weight loss gain and avoiding complications including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bowel obstruction and gastric leaks.

What Should I Eat Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

The main goal for pre-operation diet is to reduce fatty deposits around the liver, which improves surgical access to the stomach. But is also helps you start the habit of dietary restrictions and lifelong commitment to weight control.

It’s better to begin your pre-op diet for a gastric sleeve surgery three weeks before the procedure. First you should reduce calorie intake, especially carbohydrates such as sweets, potatoes, breads and pasta. Instead you should maximize your protein intake and eat 60 or more grams of protein daily. Healthy sources of protein include eggs, chicken breast, fish, lean ground beef, and nuts. It’s also important to drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. You should also avoid soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Two days prior to surgery, you’ll need to switch to an all-liquid diet. Restrict your food intake to water, broth, gelatins and decaffeinated coffee or tea.

You’ll need to cut out consumption entirely 6 to 8 hours before your surgery – even water.

What is the Post-Op Diet for Gastric Sleeve?

After the surgery you will begin with liquids and then gradually start taking solid foods. Here is a week-by-week diet plan for after the surgery:

Gastric sleeve post op diet week 1

After approval from your surgeon you can start with taking sips of water, and then move on to other clear fluids. For the first week after the procedure, you should continue the same liquid diet which you followed in the days prior to the surgery. During this period you might find that you feel full very quickly and do not feel hungry, so you can only eat very small amounts. You should start with sips and slowly increase the amount. It’s important to keep yourself well hydrated.

You should avoid drinks containing sugar because it can contribute to dumping syndrome, which is a complication caused by too much sugar entering the small intestine quickly. Dumping syndrome can cause severe nausea, vomiting, fatigue and diarrhea.

Week 2 diet

In the second week after the procedure you can add thicker liquids to your diet such as:

  • applesauce
  • thinned, hot cereal or oatmeal
  • nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • fruit juices with no pulp, diluted with water
  • protein shakes
  • sugar-free ice creams
  • sugar-free, nonfat puddings

During this time, you may that feel your appetite has increased but you should stick to your liquid based diet because your system can’t handle solid foods yet.

What can I eat 3 weeks after gastric sleeve

During the third week, you can add soft, pureed foods to your diet. You should eat bland food with mild or no seasoning. Options include:

  • soft-scrambled or soft-boiled eggs
  • ground meats
  • cooked, pureed white fish
  • beans
  • cooked vegetables
  • soft fruits
  • hummus 
  • soup
  • mashed bananas

Week 4 diet

In the fourth week after surgery, you can start adding solid foods to your diet. Examples of the food you can eat include:

  • well-cooked chicken, fish and vegetables
  • sweet potatoes, Carrots
  • stewed fruit
  • low-sugar cereal
  • low calorie yoghurt

Over time, you can introduce one food at a time so that you can see how your body tolerates it and then slowly put your new-normal eating plan into long-term effect. It’s best to have three meals a day and a couple of healthy snacks. You should chew your foods very well, at least 20 times before swallowing. It’s better to wait 30 minutes eating and drinking.

In conclusion following a strict diet is an important factor for helping you achieve your desired weight after the surgery. In this article we provided some general information about the diet before and after surgery but given each person specific condition it’s better to consult a dietitian so that you can have a dietary plan according to your needs. It’s also important to have regular check-ups with your surgeon to keep your weight loss under control.

If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery or other bariatric surgeries for losing weight, Mediranco Health Tourism Company can help you achieve your goal by providing consultation with the best and most experienced bariatric surgeons. Rest assured that by choosing Mediranco Health Tourism Company, you will be provided with the best care possible at the best possible prices. All you need to do is to contact our support team and they will help you through.  

Gastric sleeve in Iran

Gastric sleeve cost in Iran

Fortunately, Iran provides cost-effective options for various aspects, from travel and accommodation to food and medical procedures. Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran is notably affordable, averaging $3,200.


  • Some medications must be discontinued prior to the surgery. If you take any medications especially anticoagulants and NSAIDs such as aspirin, you should ask your physician in detail about how to take them before and after the procedure.

  • Vitamin and mineral supplements are an important part of your diet which you need to start taking right after your surgery and for the rest of your life because your body’s ability to absorb food has decreased. Some of them include calcium, vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12 (usually injected every 3 months).

  • Avoid trans fats and fried, processed, and fast foods, reheated foods in the microwave and heavily seasoned or spicy foods. The most commonly reported problem foods are bread (especially doughy bread), overcooked rice or pasta, sweetcorn and nuts. You should also avoid caffeine and carbonated beverages for at least 3 months and alcoholic drinks for at least 6 months after the surgery.

  • For the first few months you’ll be advised to consume around 600 to 800 kcal daily and after that you can proceed to take 1000 to 1500 kcal per day thereafter for weight loss and then weight maintenance.


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