How much weight can you lose with liposuction?
How much weight can you lose with liposuction? It is necessary to know that the fat cells are stable and when you gain weight, your body packs more nutrients in the existing fat cells; then the fat cells act as storage units and expand.
When you want to lose weight, you can’t tell your body that you’d like to move fat from a particular area, so diet and exercise can help you achieve your goal weight, but still be unhappy with the shape you’re left with.
Liposuction is a unique surgery that removes localized fat such as fat in the hips, thighs, arms, back, abdomen and love handles. In fact, this procedure works by breaking up the fat cells and sucking them out but it is not the weight lose method.
Can I lose weight with liposuction?
Liposuction is a contouring procedure that designed to refine the proportions of your body and solve the problem in specific areas that won’t respond to exercise and dietary changes the way you want; so Liposuction is not a weight-loss tool.
Keep this in mind when seeking out ways to become slimmer that Liposuction is not suitable for lose-weight, also can’t stop you from gaining weight again. Imagine you are more than 30 pounds beyond your goal weight, in fact, you have to concentrate on losing weight by sticking to a sensible diet and exercising regularly before you consider liposuction.
How much weight can you lose with liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of your body by removing unwanted fat deposits, so you should not look at it as a weight-loss method.
After liposuction, typically you will lose 6-11 pounds (3.5-5 kilograms); if you are obese or fairly overweight, you have to consider a weight-loss plan or weight-loss surgery.
Note that, generally people get liposuction to remove localized fat pockets they would like to reduce. This procedure does not affect the skin or other tissues and is only able to remove soft and fatty parts.
Can I drop 100 pounds with liposuction?
Liposuction is not a way to lose drastic amounts of body fat and it comes with an increased risk of complications if the surgeon removes a dramatic amount of weight. Most of plastic surgeons limits their removal amount to 8-11 pounds of fat for the risk of complications.
You have to know that the fast loss of 100 pounds through extreme dieting, excessive exercise and liposuction is dangerous and effects on your health, also develops the saggy skin. During a liposuction, you are under general anesthetic and fat is suctioned out through a small incision in the skin.
With medical support and supervision, you can lose 100 pounds and negate the possibility of far-reaching health consequences. Note that the amount of fat that can be removed by liposuction varies for every individual, but some liposuction procedures can speed up your weight-loss.
Liposuction, tummy tucks and thigh lifts can be useful for losing a lot of weight quickly, but you a diet plan and exercise are also required. To lose 100 pound, consult your doctor and fitness professional for a personalized workout program and a diet plan that help you attain your goal weight.
How many inches will I lose after liposuction?
Liposuction is a body-contouring procedure and helps you look great, but is not about the numbers. If you want to shed pounds or inches, the best ways are general weight-loss programs or bariatric surgery.
Liposuction helps you look leaner, fitter, and more pleasing by removing the bulge or the excess collection of fat that’s been bothering you. Every aspect of this treatment is focused on giving you an optimum look.
This procedure can reduce your dress size by removing fat from your thighs, hips or belly. When you lose unwanted and stubborn fat deposits, your cloths can fit better and you feel more confident.
Can I get liposuction if I am overweight?
There is not a set maximum weight to disqualify you from liposuction, but for this procedure you have to be in shape enough; if you are over 30 BMI, most plastic surgeons won’t perform liposuction.
There is not any weight limit for the procedure, but before liposuction try to get close to your goal weight by incorporating a diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and minimizes fats and sugar.
Liposuction keeping weight off
As we said before liposuction is not about weight lose and doesn’t give you a license to eat whatever you want. You can make little changes before your surgery and see a big difference in keeping the weight off after liposuction.
After liposuction, keep up your new look with a healthy lifestyle and lose more pounds; try to cook at home and avoid fast food, eat breakfast and fresh foods, stick with menu items that have fewer calories and more grains.
You have to do everything to protect liposuction results; so avoid refined carbs and exercise every day. If you are addicted to eat junk food, before surgery try to change your lifestyle.
Don’t forget that you can still gain weight after liposuction, although the fat cells may appear in a different area of your body, so leave you bad habits, stay motivated and resist temptation to get the most out of liposuction. Try to keep your new contours for a long time with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
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