How can a nose job help the allergies?

Medical content writer - Medical student
23 February. 2021
How can a nose job help the allergies?
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How can a nose job help the allergies? Many people with nasal allergies wonder if their allergies can be improved or eliminated by a rhinoplasty or nose job, as it is commonly called. Although nose job itself is not a surgical choice for treating nasal allergies. if you have a nose job performed in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat surgery) by a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Mediranco, you may find that it may be easier to breathe with functional improvements to the nose. In this article, we will explain what causes allergies, how to control them, and How can a nose job help the allergies?

What are Allergy Causes?

It is significant to mention that allergies are not caused by a nose structure issue. Instead, the immune system causes an unwanted reaction. An irritant, such as pollen or pet dander, is entering the nose from the air whether a person suffers from Hay Fever or is allergic to the cat or dog. The body sends antibodies to attack it, causing an allergy attack instead of disregarding the pollen or dander. Running nose, sneezing, and congestion are also typical signs of nasal allergies.

How to control allergies?

The easiest way to control allergies is to stop the kind of thing that triggers them. Individuals who are allergic to dogs, for example, often do not have a cat or dog and avoid households that do. People who are allergic to tree pollen or grass pollen tend to prevent contact with these plants.

Since allergens cannot often be removed, a variety of treatments are available to treat or better manage symptoms. Medications don't necessarily heal allergies, but they would make it much easier for an allergy sufferer to get through the day or an allergy season.

What is rhinoplasty going to do with allergies?

A nasal allergy is usually not a deadly disease, but it doesn't make a person feel secure. Today, there is a very large number of people with these conditions. Airborne allergens that cause irregular reactions are the cause of nose allergies and result in discomfort. There are, therefore, these allergies that are not caused by the structural issue of the nose.

Will the rhinoplasty treat nasal allergy?

Normally, nasal allergies cannot be treated by surgery. You may, however, use rhinoplasty therapy to relieve symptoms of allergy. These disorders include nasal polyps, hypertrophy of turbines, and septum deviations.

Two forms of rhinoplasty are important: cosmetic rhinoplasty treatment and functional or medical rhinoplasty. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is performed to make the nose look better. Functional or medical rhinoplasty is performed to restore normal function to the nose.

Some complications, such as recurrent sinusitis, can result from untreated nasal allergies. The problem may be discomfort, postnasal drip, and nasal stuffiness. Many different types of rhinoplasty can relieve chronic symptoms of this disorder.

A patient with a deviated septum has difficulty breathing during an allergy season. Nasal surgery can help to open nasal passages to reduce nasal swelling-related bumps.

The size of extra-large nasal concha that block airflow may also be decreased by medical nose work. The swollen nasal conchae swell during allergy seasons, making it difficult for patients to breathe. To help patients breathe easier, size reduction will play a part. The surgery does not cure allergies. It is good to remember.

Time for the Surgery

If you already have allergies and plan to change the form of your nose with a nose job, you will want to be cautious about timing the treatment. Since you and your surgeon determine that the operation is right for you, you're going to try to find out the ideal time to arrange it. Because you will need to stop taking any allergy medicine in the weeks before the operation, it may be better to plan surgery for a period when you do not have allergies. For instance, whether you have seasonal allergies, it's a smart idea to schedule the surgery to replace place in the off-season.

If your allergies are all year long, it might not be the best time for surgery. This means that in the weeks leading up to the treatment, as well as in the weeks after, you would have to remember to stop causing your allergy.

Legal rhinoplasty cannot serve to alleviate symptoms of allergy in a patient that has no deviated septum or swollen nasal conchae. Such a patient can, however, benefit from cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery in other ways. Before scheduling rhinoplasty, he or she has to speak to healthcare experts about their allergies.

Will a nose job help my sinus?

Some people are lucky to have a nose that looks great and functions well; but some have chronic sinus infection and trouble breathing through their nose and aren’t happy about the way their nose looks.

If you have trouble your sinuses or difficulty breathing, and you aren’t satisfied with your nose appearance, nasal surgery or rhinoplasty help you to fix your nose looks or the way it functions.

In this article we explain about sinus infection symptoms, sinus infection diagnosis and the possible effects of rhinoplasty on chronic sinus infection. How can a nose job help the allergies?

Sinuses and their functions

Sinuses are air-filled spaces that surround the nasal cavity and located behind, between and under the eyes. The sinuses cavities are lined with soft tissue and they are usually empty except for a thin layer of mucus.

The mucus on the walls of sinus cavities keeps the tissue moist and healthy, and also traps bacteria, helps humidify and filter the air passes through the sinus passages.

The sinuses help the voice resonate and affect the way of your speech, it means the shape, volume, and health of sinuses influence how nasal your voice to be. Your sinuses are a complex system, and they’re important for your health and comfort.

Sinus infection or sinusitis

The most common problem of sinuses is sinusitis. Sinusitis or sinus infection is an inflammation of sinuses and occurs when your nasal cavities become infected, swollen and flamed. 

Sinusitis can be caused by viruses, fungi (molds), allergies and chemical or particulate irritation of the sinuses. Some people with allergies can have "allergic fungal sinus infection."

Sinusitis lasts three to eight weeks. A sinus infection lasting longer than eight weeks is considered chronic. Chronic sinusitis or chronic rhinosinusitis can be caused by infection and affect both adults and children.

Sinus infection symptoms

Many sinus infection symptoms are common to both acute and chronic forms and include:

  • sinus headache
  • facial tenderness
  • pressure or pain in the sinuses, in the ear and teeth
  • fever
  • nasal discharge
  • nasal congestion
  • throat irritation and cough
  • sore throat and hoarse voice
  • occasionally facial swelling
  • pus-like nasal discharge
  • aching in your upper jaw and teeth
  • bad breath
  • fatigue
  • forehead swelling
  • swelling or redness around your eyes
  • confusion

Sinus infection diagnosis

A doctor can diagnose tenderness in your nose and face by looking inside your nose and doing physical exams. Other methods that might be used to diagnose acute sinusitis include:

  • Nasal endoscopy: this method let your doctor inspect the inside of your sinuses by a thin, flexible tube with a fiber-optic light inserted through your nose.
  • Imaging studies: a CT scan shows details of your sinuses and is helpful for finding abnormalities or suspected complications.
  • Nasal and sinus samples: this method is not necessary for diagnosing acute sinusitis but might help the doctor find the cause of the bacterial infection.
  • Allergy testing: a skin test will recommended to diagnose acute sinusitis. This method is safe and quick, and can help pinpoint the allergen that's causing your nasal flare-ups.

Causes of chronic sinusitis

Common causes of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Nasal polyps: the tissue growths block the nasal passages or sinuses and effect on breathing.
  • Deviated nasal septum: a crooked septum can restrict or block sinus passages and make the symptom of sinusitis worse.
  • Respiratory tract infections: infections-most commonly colds- inflame and thicken sinus membranes.
  • Allergies: inflammation of allergies can block sinuses.

Can a nose job fix sinus problem?

Chances are, you’ve heard the term nasal polyps or maybe you have this problem. Nasal or nose polyps occurs when tissue within the nose swells and grow outward, creating soft and painless sacs of tissue.

Nasal polyps are commonly in young and middle-aged adults and has no conclusive cause. They may form anywhere in your sinuses or nasal passages, but usually nasal polyps appear in an area where sinuses near eyes, nose, and cheekbones.

Nasal polyps can be caused by chronic inflammation due to allergies or sinus infections and develop in one or both nostrils at the same time. Polyps may lead to repetitive infection and cause obstructions in the sinuses.

If you have recurrent sinus infection from obstructive nasal polyps and you aren’t satisfied with your nose appearance, by getting a nose job you can solve both problems. 

Sometimes, a deviated nasal septum causes chronic sinus problems, including sinus congestion, breathing problems, sinus infections, and nasal allergies. In these cases, rhinoplasty can alleviate or eliminate the problem.

If you have a deviated septum and you’ve decided to get a rhinoplasty to change the shape of your nose, a septoplasty combined with nose job can help you. A septoplasty is surgical corrective procedure performed to straighten the partition between the two nasal cavities, called the nasal septum.

In fact, a badly shaped nose can itself be a cause of breathing problems or sinus infections. You can visit a good rhinoplasty surgeon and result in the best possible outcomes for both appearance and functional of nose.

Combine rhinoplasty and sinus surgery

If you have trouble your sinuses or difficulty breathing and want to change your nose’s appearance, the surgeon can combine rhinoplasty with sinus surgery. Sinus surgery is used to treat chronic sinusitis and open pathways of the sinuses and clear blockages.  

By the way, if you wish your nose was smaller or didn’t have a hump or divot, also you want relief from sinus problems, it makes senses to have rhinoplasty and sinus surgery together.

How can a nose job help the allergies? Conclusion

As said above, deviated septum, badly shaped nose, and nasal polyps can lead to sinus problems. If you do suffer from chronic sinusitis and aren’t otherwise satisfied with the way your nose looks, combining sinus surgery or septoplasty and rhinoplasty will solve your problem.

A professional surgeon can remove blockage and make the sinus opening bigger during rhinoplasty. A nose job and nasal or sinus treatments allow you to improve aesthetics as well as functionality of the nose and facial features.   

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you have trouble your sinuses or difficulty breathing, and you aren’t satisfied with your nose appearance, nasal surgery or rhinoplasty help you to fix your nose looks or the way it functions.

  • Although nose job itself is not a surgical choice for treating nasal allergies. if you have a nose job performed in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat surgery) by a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Mediranco, you may find that it may be easier to breathe with functional improvements to the nose.


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