Gastric bypass or sleeve, which is more effective?

Medical content writer - Medical student
01 March. 2024
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In the realm of weight loss surgery, the decision-making process can feel like navigating a labyrinth of options, each promising transformative result. Among the most common procedures are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, both hailed for their efficacy in helping individuals shed excess weight and reclaim their health.

However, with differing mechanisms and potential outcomes, determining which surgery is the most effective can be a daunting task. Are you leaning towards the more established gastric bypass, or perhaps the increasingly popular sleeve gastrectomy? In this article we delve into the intricacies of these procedures, examining their effectiveness, risks, and considerations to guide you towards the path that aligns best with your goals.

In this article we will discuss:

  • Understanding Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Comparing Weight Loss Effectiveness
  • Considerations for Surgical Risks and Complications
  • Conclusion: Which Procedure is Right for You?
  • FAQs

Understanding Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy

Overview of Gastric Bypass Surgery:

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is one of the most common and longstanding weight loss procedures. During gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach, which restricts the amount of food a person can eat. This pouch is then connected directly to the small intestine, bypassing a portion of the stomach and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).

Overview of Sleeve Gastrectomy:

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass

Sleeve gastrectomy, often referred to simply as "the sleeve," has gained popularity in recent years as a standalone weight loss procedure. It involves removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving behind a sleeve-shaped stomach that resembles a banana or sleeve. Unlike gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy does not involve rerouting or bypassing the intestines.

How Each Procedure Works to Promote Weight Loss:

1. Gastric Bypass:

   - Restriction: The creation of a small stomach pouch limits the amount of food a person can consume at one time, leading to reduced calorie intake.

   - Malabsorption: By bypassing a portion of the stomach and the duodenum, gastric bypass reduces the absorption of calories and nutrients from food.

2. Sleeve Gastrectomy:

   - Restriction: Similar to gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy restricts the amount of food a person can eat by reducing the size of the stomach.

   - Hormonal Changes: The removal of a portion of the stomach alters the production of hormones involved in hunger and satiety, leading to decreased appetite and increased feelings of fullness.

Both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy promote weight loss by reducing calorie intake and altering hormonal signals related to appetite and satiety. However, they achieve these effects through different mechanisms, which may influence their effectiveness and suitability for individual patients.

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass: Comparing Weight Loss Effectiveness

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass

Research Findings on Weight Loss Outcomes for Gastric Bypass:

Gastric bypass surgery has been extensively studied, with research consistently demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving significant weight loss. Studies have shown that patients undergoing gastric bypass typically experience substantial weight loss in the first 12 to 18 months following surgery, with the potential to reach or exceed 50% excess weight loss.

Long-term studies have also indicated that many patients are able to maintain a significant portion of their weight loss over several years, although individual outcomes may vary. Additionally, gastric bypass has been associated with improvements or remission of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obstructive sleep apnea.

Research Findings on Weight Loss Outcomes for Sleeve Gastrectomy:

Sleeve gastrectomy has emerged as a popular alternative to gastric bypass, with research suggesting comparable effectiveness in promoting weight loss. Studies have indicated that sleeve gastrectomy results in substantial weight loss, with patients typically achieving weight loss percentages comparable to those seen with gastric bypass in the short to medium term.

Similar to gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy has been associated with improvements in obesity-related health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. However, the extent of weight loss and health improvements may vary among individuals, and long-term data on weight maintenance beyond five years are still being studied.

Comparing the Effectiveness of Both Procedures Based on Weight Loss Percentages:

When comparing the effectiveness of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy based on weight loss percentages, studies have shown that both procedures can result in substantial and clinically significant weight loss. While there may be slight variations in weight loss outcomes between the two procedures in the short term, especially within the first year post-surgery, overall weight loss percentages tend to converge over time.

Factors such as preoperative BMI, the presence of obesity-related comorbidities, and individual patient characteristics may influence the degree of weight loss achieved with each procedure. Additionally, adherence to postoperative dietary and lifestyle recommendations plays a crucial role in determining long-term weight maintenance success.

In summary, both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting significant weight loss and improving obesity-related health conditions. The choice between the two procedures should be based on individual patient factors, preferences, and discussions with a healthcare provider. In the next section, we will explore the impact of these procedures on obesity-related health conditions in more detail.

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass Considerations for Surgical Risks and Complications

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass

Weight loss surgeries, including gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, carry risks and potential complications:

Gastric Bypass:

  • Anastomotic leaks
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Dumping syndrome
  • Gallstones
  • Ulcers

Sleeve Gastrectomy:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Leakage from staple line
  • Strictures
  • Gastric fistula
  • Staple line bleeding

While both procedures have risks, gastric bypass poses additional risks related to rerouting the digestive tract, such as anastomotic leaks and nutritional deficiencies. Sleeve gastrectomy primarily involves stapling the stomach, with risks including leakage and strictures along the staple line. Discussing individual medical history and risk tolerance with a healthcare provider is crucial for making an informed decision.

Conclusion: gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass Which Procedure is Right for You?

In considering weight loss surgeries, the choice between gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy is influenced by various factors. Here's a summary of key points to help guide your decision:

- Effectiveness: Both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy have been shown to result in significant weight loss and improvements in obesity-related health conditions.

- Risks and Complications: Gastric bypass involves rerouting the digestive tract, carrying risks such as anastomotic leaks and nutritional deficiencies. Sleeve gastrectomy primarily involves stapling the stomach, with risks including leakage and strictures along the staple line.

- Individual Considerations: Your medical history, risk tolerance, and desired outcomes are crucial in determining the most suitable procedure for you.

It's essential to have a thorough discussion with a healthcare provider at Mediranco, experienced in bariatric surgery. They can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances, helping you weigh the risks and benefits of each procedure.

Remember, both gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are effective tools for weight loss and improved health. The best choice depends on individual factors, and your healthcare provider can help you make an informed decision tailored to your needs and goals.

Ultimately, by working closely with your healthcare team, you can embark on a weight loss journey that sets you on the path to a healthier and happier life.

gastric bypass in Iran

Gastric Bypass and gastric sleeve Cost in Iran

Gastric bypass surgery in Iran is an exceptionally cost-effective choice compared to many other countries. The average cost for a regular gastric bypass procedure in Iran is approximately 3,500€, making it an affordable option for those seeking this surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery in Iran is notably affordable, averaging 2,900€. Choosing Iran for your medical needs allows you to fulfill both your healthcare and budgetary requirements simultaneously.


  • Both procedures can lead to significant weight loss. Gastric bypass often results in slightly more weight loss initially, but long-term outcomes are comparable between the two surgeries.

  • Gastric bypass carries risks such as anastomotic leaks and nutritional deficiencies due to rerouting the digestive tract. Sleeve gastrectomy risks include leakage from the staple line and strictures.

  • The decision should be based on factors such as your medical history, risk tolerance, and desired outcomes. Consult with a healthcare provider experienced in bariatric surgery to determine the most suitable option for you.


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