Fat grafting breast augmentation reviews

Medical content writer - Medical student
16 August. 2022
Fat grafting breast augmentation
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Some female volunteers like to have bigger breasts, but they do not like to have breast implants. In these cases, Breast augmentation with fat transfer is suggested. This process is technically known as autologous breast augmentation.

During this procedure, the surgeon may utilize a woman’s own fat instead of implant-type surgeries to make the size of the breasts bigger. The source of this fat is liposuctioned fat from another body area like the belly. In this article, we tried to explore various aspects of fat transferring like the benefits and drawbacks of this type of breast augmentation. We discuss these titles:

  • What is fat transfer breast augmentation?
  • What is the novel method of breast augmentation without utilizing the implants?
  • What is the takeaway process in the fat transfer method of breast augmentation?
  • Why fat injection has limitations?
  • What are the most common reasons for choosing fat transfer for breast augmentation?
  • What are the advantages of breast augmentation with fat transfer?
  • What are the disadvantages of breast augmentation with fat transfer?
  • What is Fat reabsorption?
  • What are the symptoms of fat necrosis?
  • Who is a suitable candidate for fat grafting breast augmentation?
  • What is the recovery process for this operation?
  • What should you do next if fat transfer is right for you?

What is fat transfer breast augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a type of surgical process in which your healthcare provider may draw fat from one part of the body and utilizes it to make the size of your breasts bigger. The surgeon will draw the fat tissue utilizing liposuction and then inject limited amounts into the breasts. The number of patients who volunteer for having breast augmentation with fat transfer is less than for implants because the results of fat transfer might be not permanent. Although the results of fat transferring are appearing very natural-looking and are an appealing option for some volunteers, implants have more candidates.

What is the novel method of breast augmentation without utilizing the implants?

Nowadays, the American society of plastic surgeons has approved a novel method which is also named “stem cell breast augmentation.” This process is able to be performed for patients with various conditions. This label is misleading. Fat is a tissue that contains stem cells but it can not be injected alone for increasing breast size. Although a stem cell can develop into various types of tissue based on the location it is placed in your body, it must be combined with fat in order to be more effective. If you are not agreeing to have breast implants, you can talk with your doctor to see if you are a suitable candidate for stem cell breast augmentation or not. The other crucial factor you have to consider before choosing the method and scheduling the operation is knowing that this procedure has different possible long-term effects of fat transfer to the breast.

What is the takeaway process in the fat transfer method of breast augmentation?

A fat transfer breast augmentation is a type of surgical process in which a surgeon tries to draw fat from one fatty part of the body and injects it into the breast for creating a bigger size. This process is considered very safe and has a lower risk in comparison with other methods. However, a patient should search for even a few possible risks. These risks include fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is the primary risk of fat transfer breast augmentations. It can lead to lumps of dead fat cells forming in your breast tissue that can cause pain and changes in the appearance of your breasts.

Other risks include infection and fat reabsorption.

Why fat injection has limitations?

Fat is a type of tissue that does not have its own blood supply for keeping the tissue alive, so it may utilize the blood supply already in the breast. That is the main reason that there is a limitation on the amount of fat that can be injected. Transferring too much fat in the breasts is not efficient, and the excessive fat would be reabsorbed. That means the breast size can shrink after passing some months. The other possibility is the condition in that fat can be hardened.

What are the most common reasons for choosing fat transfer for breast augmentation?

Some reasons patients get volunteers for this process are:

  • patients who like a more natural appearance and feel.
  • The process is considered safe for all patients.
  • The process is performed by utilizing a person’s own fat tissue.
  • The liposuction process causes slimming, due to the removal of fat from different fatty parts to use for increasing breast size.
  • The amount of scarring tissue following the fat transfer is much less than utilizing implants.
  • Fat transferring reduces the risk of rippling or thinning.

What are the advantages of breast augmentation with fat transfer?

  • No implant utilized
  • Smaller incisions in comparison with implant method
  • Utilizing a woman’s own fat tissue
  • Decrease complication rate
  • Breasts seem more natural
  • Good safety record
  • Patients and doctors are more satisfied with the results

What are the disadvantages of breast augmentation with fat transfer?

  • No highly standard method
  • averagely enlarges about one cup size and has limitations
  • Breast lift may still be needed for creating a better shape
  • Fat may be reabsorbed over the time
  • Calcifications can interfere with breast cancer imaging
  • volunteers must have enough sources of  fat tissue to transfer
  • Fat necrosis is possible is small hard masses that look like cancer and in most cases are permanent

What is Fat reabsorption?

Fat is a natural tissue that your body utilizes for its function. The body will treat the injected fat to your breasts the same as other fat tissue around your body. This process causes your body to reabsorb the fat utilized fat transferring breast augmentation procedure. Generally, it is estimated that up to 50 percent of the transferred fat is reabsorbed by the body. This fat reabsorption makes it very hard to get the results you would expect from breast augmentation, exceptionally the reabsorption gets more over time. All fat transferring volunteers must know that the current result following the operation is much fuller than the long-term results, which can mean you may not see as much of a size increase as would like. You are able to ask for additional fat transfer breast augmentation operations for getting a bigger size, but this may also put you at higher risk for fat necrosis over time.

What are the symptoms of fat necrosis?

Fat necrosis is a side effect of breast augmentation with fat transfer and can cause multiple unpleasant symptoms, like:

  • Painful lumps
  • Oily cystic lumps
  • Hard calcification lumps
  • A mix of cystic and calcification lumps
  • Redness
  • Bruising around the lumps
  • Scarring tissue
  • Painful areas surrounding the injection incisions
  • discoloration of the skin
  • Uneven skin
  • Changes the normal breast shape and appearance

Who is a suitable candidate for fat grafting as breast augmentation?

Natural augmentation with fat transferring has very different results in comparison with breast augmentation with implants. Fat can not enlarge the size more than a cup and only gives a moderate enlargement of the breast and enhancement of shape. For volunteers with the problem of gapping the top of their bra, transferring fat into this area may give a fuller shape. It might help them to fill out their bra size, but not surely change their bra size.

What is the recovery process for Fat grafting breast augmentation?

Recovery from fat transferring to the breast is mostly well-tolerated in volunteers of breast augmentation. Liposuction areas may have a burning feeling that persists for a few days, but the breasts are generally less sore. There are very few limitations after having a liposuction procedure, and most of the patients prefer having the process on a Friday and return to work the next Monday.

What should you do next if Fat grafting breast augmentation is right for you?

If you have done your research and know all of its aspects and think this method may be suitable for you, it may be the right time to speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon about your desired goals and expectations. You can utilize Mediranco’s consultation to find a Surgeon and then get connected with that plastic surgeon and even you are able to set up a free online consultation.

Why Mediranco fo Fat grafting breast augmentation?

The mission of the managers is to provide different medical and cosmetic options to the tourists who want to be treated in Iran and they can choose according to their desire. We also strive to provide convenient treatment options, planned travel, safe transportation, quality healthcare services and an overall pleasant experience at affordable prices to a safe trip home. Iran is a suitable destination that you can choose for your treatment. You pay less compared to other countries, but you get the highest quality. In these years, the amount of cosmetic surgeries has increased and Iranian surgeons have the best rank among plastic surgeons. Many cosmetic surgeries are performed every year and this makes the surgeons very skilled. The decision is very easy. You can see all the details about breast augmentation in Iran on Mediranco website and if anything is missing, ask our online experts who are ready to answer all your needs. Contact the managers and use our free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. When the process of fat transfer is performed correctly, the utilization of body fat as an augmentation material for the breasts is really effective and long-lasting.

  • Generally, an average of 75 to 80 percent of the injected fat during any fat transfer process may survive from reabsorption, while the rest of it may be harmlessly and naturally metabolized by your body.

  • Averagely, your breasts can achieve an increase of about 1 cup size. For having bigger breasts you may need other methods like utilizing implants.


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