Everything you need to know about wide nose rhinoplasty
Everything you need to know about wide nose rhinoplasty : There are as many opinions on the perfect face and noses of both shapes and sizes. Some people think the tip of the nose is too bulbous, the nostrils are too small, and the bridge is too wide. This is frequently inherited because a person’s normal nose shape has been there since birth. In other circumstances, the nose may have become wider due to an accidental injury or preceding nose job. Whatever the problem, the nose, as the most prominent part of the face, plays an important role in a person’s self-assurance and social interactions.
If you are thinking rhinoplasty for the first time or need a revision, rhinoplasty on a wide nose is the most effective way to narrow.
Factors affecting the shape and growth of the nose
- Environmental factors affecting the shape of the nose
- Blockage of the nose completely
- Partially blocked nose
- nose breaking
- Persistent obstruction of one of the nasal passages
- Nasal polyps
- Diseases affecting the shape of the nose
Factors affecting the shape of the nose
We all know that each person’s genetics are very influential in their appearance, and that is why children look like their parents. But the role of environmental factors should not be ignored because it is sometimes so effective that it makes a child look more beautiful than his parents. For example, today, because of better nutrition, adolescents are taller than their parents, and also because they are less exposed to the sun, they are less prone to freckles, moles and other skin lesions on the face than their parents. In the case of the nose, there are various environmental factors that can make children look better than their parents.
Below are some of the factors that affect the growth of the nose:
As a general rule in the human body, the more active an organ is, the more it grows and, conversely, the parts of the body that lose their activity are decomposed. To better clarify the issue, pay attention to the image below.
As can be seen, a person who has not used his left foot due to polio has lost this short and thin leg at an older age. This means that in addition to not growing the muscles of the person, the bones of the left leg have not grown enough. The same is true for the nose. The growth of the sinuses, nasal cavity, cheeks, maxilla, teeth, and generally the middle part of the face depends on adequate nasal breathing during childhood and adolescence. If breathing through the nose is not done during the growth period, there will be disorders in the shape of the nose and face, which I will explain in a few proven examples.
Blockage of the nose completely
If for any reason in childhood, the nose is completely blocked and the person is unable to breathe through the nose (like a child with a large third tonsil), his nose does not grow, so it remains narrow and relatively small. The faces of these people do not have proper transverse growth and in adulthood they usually have a long face and non-prominent cheeks. In these people, the tip of the nose may look relatively large due to the narrowness of the upper part of the nose (Figure 1, right). One of the characteristics of such people is that they always have their mouths open and their teeth are visible without laughing and talking (factors affecting the shape of the nose).
Partially blocked nose
Our nose has muscles that help open the nostrils. We use these muscles when we need more air to inhale through the nose (for example, while exercising). If the nose has been partially blocked since childhood and the person is able to overcome nasal congestion by using the muscles that dilate the nostrils, repeated and excessive contraction of these muscles over time will make the lower part of the nose wider. In addition, finds very large holes (factors affecting the shape of the nose).
Nose breaking
A person who suffers from a fracture of the nose as a child due to trauma, although this fracture is small and imperceptible at first, but over time causes the bones of the nose to grow crooked and eventually creates a deformed and asymmetrical nose that with the help of rhinoplasty, these problems can be solved. For rhinoplasty, it is recommended to refer to the best rhinoplasty surgeon who has a relatively good history in cosmetic facial surgery (effective factors in the shape of the nose).
If in childhood, only one nasal passage is constantly blocked and the opposite side is open, this can cause a difference in the growth of the nasal cavity and sinuses on both sides of the face, and eventually, one side of the face is larger or smaller than the opposite half of the face . Although facial asymmetry is present in almost all healthy people, people with the above problem show this condition much more clearly (factors affecting the shape of the nose).
Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps develop when the lining of the nose inside the nose grows too much due to allergies. If these polyps are not treated and continue to grow, they can fill the entire nasal cavity and, by applying pressure to the inner wall of the nose, cause the bones to slowly grow out and flatten the nose. This is not unique to children but also to adults. (Factors affecting the shape of the nose)
Diseases affecting the shape of the nose
These are just some of the environmental factors that affect the shape of the nose. In a nutshell, all childhood nasal and sinus diseases can affect the appearance of the nose if they become chronic. Therefore, with proper treatment, nasal deformity can be prevented. (Factors affecting the shape of the nose)
It is recommended that if your child has any of the following problems see an ear, nose and throat specialist for examination and treatment.
- A child who constantly sleeps with his mouth open. If your child only has this problem during a cold and breathes easily through the nose on normal days, there is no need to check, but if the number of colds is more than 5 a year, it is better to have a thorough examination.
- A child who has persistent (more than 2-3 weeks) watery or purulent discharge from one or both nasal passages.
- If a baby or infant has a stuffy nose, he or she will need to stop sucking to breathe, so any baby or infant who is not breastfeeding well should have a nasal congestion checked.
- Children with nasal trauma should be screened for nasal fractures. It should be noted that due to the rapid healing of fractures in children, the placement of the fracture in them should be done before 55 days.
- Children with recurrent tonsillitis.
- Children with recurrent sinus disease or nasal polyps.
Wide nose rhinoplasty in Iran
Broad nose rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of nose reshaping cosmetic surgery in Iran. Often women and men are annoyed by their big noses, which may be caused by a lack of significant nasal bridge height. Wide nose surgery is a scientifically verified way to fix this problem and restore a proportionate and appealing nose shape.
Because of the significant changes needed, a nose job on a wide nose bridge is often done using open surgery. Your plastic surgeon in Iran would have more access to the nasal bone and cartilage to change their form during an open nose job for a wide nose. Only a specialist surgeon who can reshape the bone and cartilage with precision while reducing scarring should perform a wide nose rhinoplasty.
How can rhinoplasty fix a wide nose?
At the tip of the nose, the nasal bone forms a pyramid structure that can be restructured during a nose job. The overall form of the nose is determined by this bony nasal pyramid. The pyramid form must be broken into smaller, movable parts to alter the shape of the nose to make it look thinner. An osteotomy operation to narrow the nasal bridge is most widely used in a nose job on big noses. The surgeon thins the nose by making small, precise fractures in the upper nasal bones during an osteotomy.
To restructure the nasal bone and reshape the cartilage to make a thinner and narrower nose look, a rhinoplasty on a wide nose is the perfect plastic surgery procedure in Iran.
What are the types of rhinoplasty on a wide nose?
- Nasal Osteotomy
Nasal osteotomies are divided into two categories: medial and lateral. Many wide nasal rhinoplasties use both forms of osteotomy to achieve a good thinner appearance in the nose’s bridge. Medial osteotomy focuses on the creation of small fractures in the middle part of the top nose, while lateral osteotomy splits the longer outer portions of the nasal septum bone.
The rhinoplasty surgeon will reshape the nose by bringing the parts closer together to create a narrower nasal structure after the fractures are created. Although osteotomy sounds very painful, please remember that the surgeon will make rather small specific cuts in the bones of the nose. If you have a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon, you do not need to be concerned about osteotomy.
- Narrowing a Bulbous Nose or the Tip of a Nose
In certain situations, the tip of the nose might be too wide. Rhinoplasty can effectively treat a wide or bulbous nose, as well as a bulbous nasal tip. The shape of the nose can be improved by thinning the nasal tip or narrowing the nostrils. For your specific wide nose, extra maneuvers can be needed, so be sure to discuss this with your surgeon before proceeding with the nose job.
- Non-surgical nose job for wide nose
The term “liquid rhinoplasty” refers to a nonsurgical rhinoplasty. A filler, normally hyaluronic acid, is injected into the nose during the operation. Liquid rhinoplasty are the most effective way to change the appearance of your nose. It is not the best choice instead of a nose job to make the nose less wide since a filler is used and nothing is removed. It is better for removing bumps and giving the tip of the nose more volume.
Recovery after a Wide Nose Rhinoplasty
The recovery time after rhinoplasty can vary depending on the procedures used to correct your wide nose. A nasal cast may be necessary to ensure proper recovery. In most cases, the cast can be removed in less than a week. The surgeon will probably perform nasal exercises to facilitate ongoing healing at this stage. The newly placed nasal bones will take up to eight weeks to heal properly. Keeping dedicated to the recommended nasal exercises and avoiding any behaviors that may strain the nose is critical during this period.
To avoid any recovery complications, it is important to keep in close touch with your surgeon throughout the postoperative period. The post-operative healing plan is another key component of research and questioning before a surgeon is chosen. It is a positive sign if the surgeon has a clear plan that involves routine post-operative checks. If the surgeon does not seem to understand the importance of individual post-operative treatment, you may want to look elsewhere.
Rhinoplasty before and after wide nose
Make sure to do your research before selecting a surgeon to perform a nose job on your big nose. Make sure the surgeon has experience conducting nose jobs on wide noses. Looking at nose jobs before and after wide nose images, which can usually be found on the surgeon’s website, is a simple way to do this. Look at the pictures to see before and after photos of rhinoplasty on big noses. If you like what you see, talk to the surgeon about their expertise and technique for nasal thinning procedures. You can still get in touch with the surgeon’s office and request more examples.
It is also a good idea to do some study and read some of the surgeon’s reviews. These will usually give you a clear idea of the surgeon’s work, and you might even find comments about nose jobs for big noses. It is always a great idea to do your research before having facial surgery. Make sure to consider your choices and the procedure for nose thinning surgery. Consult your surgeon to see if a nose job to shorten your big nose is appropriate for you.
Last word
Iran is the best destination for rhinoplasty, with the cheapest price and the most professional surgeons. For more information and to see the Mediranco packages, read the rhinoplasty in Iran page.
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