Am I a good candidate for a nose job?
Nowadays, rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world, and especially in Iran, but why nose job? If you are thinking about having a nose job, first of all, you should find the answer to these questions: Am I a good candidate for a nose job or not? Do I need nose surgery? Which nose job should I get? In this article, we want to respond to all these queries to help you make the best decision.
We feel good when we look in the mirror and like the image we see in the mirror. But if we do not like one part of our face, even if the rest parts of our face look good, it makes us unhappy with our face. For many people, the part that causes their dissatisfaction and they want to change is their nose. Many people may feel their nose is large, asymmetrical, and Crooked. It has caused many people to want a nose job.
One of the concerns of people for having a nose job is that will a nose job make me prettier? Because they want to be more beautiful by nose job, not worse. Besides, they want their recovery to be subtle and intangible. So we can say that the best results are achieved for those who are the best candidates for a nose job.
Do I need a nose job?
A common question asked by a cosmetic surgeon is should I get a nose job honestly or not? To answer this question, we must consider that cosmetic surgery is different from therapeutic surgery. For example, a person with a severe deviation of the nasal septum, and this problem disrupted his breathing. In this case, the surgeon may advise him that the surgery should be performed to prevent frequent sinus infection.
On the other hand, consider a person whose nose appears crooked, but has no respiratory problems. In this case, the person referred to from a medical aspect does not need to get surgery, and the subject is different. If the second person asks if my nose needs surgery or not, the answer given to him should be considered other things. To further explain the other person, consider that the size of his nose is large. Does the big nose cause a problem for her health? It is obvious that because there are no medical forms, the surgeon can not say your nose needs surgery.
Am I a good candidate for a nose job?
Rhinoplasty is popular among both men and women but, the number of women who decide to get this surgery is more than men. You will have successful nose surgery Only if following general conditions surgery:
- be healthy: generally, having serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, a bleeding disorder, heart disease, or depression, or certain incurable diseases make you an inappropriate candidate for rhinoplasty because it increases the risks of surgery.
- Nonsmoking: if you are a smoker, you should try to quit smoking before nose surgery to be a better candidate for nose surgery.
- being old enough: a good candidate should be between 18 - 50 years of age(am i too old to get a nose job? / best age to get rhinoplasty). Age at surgery is important because you are allowed to do this surgery when the nose has stopped all growth. Your face and nose are growing until your late teens or even later. You are not a good candidate if you are less than 18 years old.
- Realistic expectations: if you are extremely fastidious and you have unrealistic expectations from a nose job, do not get a nose job. For sure, you will not be satisfied with the result of your nose after the cosmetic surgery, even if the result is perfect. The best candidate for a beauty surgery is someone who doesn't look for a completely without flaw and defect (which does not exist), but rather to looking to fix the main imperfections of his nose.
- The positive outlook on life
Which nose job should I get? purpose for rhinoplasty
Today rhinoplasty has been identical progressed in Iran, and people from other countries travel to Iran to perform nose surgery. In rhinoplasty, many factors must be considered one of them is the method of surgery, which you should consult with your doctor to see which nose job you should get. But generally, here are 4 types of rhinoplasty:
- Reduction Rhinoplasty
Reduction rhinoplasty is a plastic operation that is intended to decrease the size of your nose. During this procedure, your nose may be reshaped as well. Patients can either opt to reduce the overall size of the nose or focus on particular areas including a large tip, hump, or bump.
- Augmentation Rhinoplasty
The goal of this type of rhinoplasty is to increase the general proportions of the nose. It is performed for patients whose noses are too small either because of unique genetics or injury in which the cartilage has been damaged.
- Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty
If a patient has had an injury or been in an accident that has affected their nose, it might be essential to use rhinoplasty to return the nose to its original shape and appearance.
In some cases, patients prefer to take advantage of this situation and choose to have cosmetic enhancements performed during the procedure as well.
- Corrective Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty refers to a secondary (or sometimes tertiary) rhinoplasty operation that looks for correcting any problems or corrections that came up after the initial cosmetic surgery.
This can include a reduction or augmentation, but generally, this cosmetic surgery aims to restore the anatomy of a nose that doesn’t look right or is causing difficulty breathing.
Who is not a good candidate for rhinoplasty?
This is exactly where a counseling session will be a vital aspect of cosmetic surgery, and your doctor can determine if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. Most doctors will ask you for preoperative tests. Perform surgery to find out if you are unaware of it. Your pre-rhinoplasty condition, if severe, can prevent you from having rhinoplasty or result in poor recovery.
- Smoking the enemy of health before rhinoplasty
Choosing an unhealthy lifestyle can block the path to successful cosmetic surgery. Regardless of the type of surgery, smoking will harm your body and health before and after rhinoplasty. Surgeons usually do not operate on smokers and advise them to avoid smoking for weeks before surgery. It is even necessary to avoid smoking for a long time after surgery to ensure a proper recovery.
- Consumption of drugs and alcohol
Another unhealthy lifestyle that can prevent you from having cosmetic surgery and also affect your pre-rhinoplasty health is the consumption of drugs and alcohol. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and illicit substances such as cigarettes for a few weeks before any cosmetic surgery.
- High blood pressure and its effects on health before rhinoplasty surgery
In general, it is possible to perform surgery even with high blood pressure, especially in emergencies. Some drugs are very fast and effective in controlling heart rate and blood pressure during surgery. However, for cosmetic surgery, you may be advised to keep your blood pressure as balanced as possible. This will reduce possible complications during surgery.
if you are taking medication to control your blood pressure, let your doctor know on the day of your consultation. This will allow your doctor to determine if these medications are effective in your surgery and recovery process. You may also be offered alternative medicines before and after surgery.
- Cardiovascular diseases
If you have heart disease, you are more likely to have a blood clot after surgery. Blood clots can block blood flow. The anesthesia process can also be problematic when your heart is not in perfect condition.
However, although having heart disease does not affect your pre-rhinoplasty health, it does not make you a bad candidate for rhinoplasty and other cosmetic surgeries. Your doctor will probably ask you before getting permission from your cardiologist. Your medications will also be considered. It is probably advisable to avoid taking blood-thinning medications before the day of surgery, although this should also be done with the permission of Be your doctor.
- Diabetes
One of the health conditions before rhinoplasty and other cosmetic surgeries are very worrying and is due to high blood sugar in diabetics. Both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes with neuropathy, heart problems, kidney problems, and poor wound healing is associated, especially when glucose control is poor.
- Those who have been subjected to personal crises
Patients who have experienced personal crises are advised to first wait for their problem to be completely resolved and then proceed to cosmetic surgery when they have made their final decision for cosmetic surgery and expressed their satisfaction. Your doctor tells you to be in perfect mental health
In general, cosmetic surgery can be done for diabetics as well, but it may take a lot of blood to determine and ensure that your blood glucose levels are well controlled. However, for type 1 diabetes, special arrangements must be made because the diet before surgery may be changed to be more prepared. The type of anesthesia may also be different.
Meeting with a rhinoplasty surgeon: is rhinoplasty change my life?
By considering the various factors, the candidate and the surgeon must conclude that cosmetic surgery can be productive for a person and improves the quality of his life. The surgery will be satisfactory, and the surgeon and the patient will enjoy it.
Meeting with a Rhinoplasty Surgeon can answer this question that would a nose job suit me. Knowing that you are probably a good candidate for rhinoplasty can give you more confidence to perform rhinoplasty. To make sure that you are a suitable candidate for nose surgery, you need to be prepared for a consultation meeting with the doctor to ask too many questions about your specific goals or breathing problems as well as your medical history.
Last word about the question Am I a good candidate for a nose job?
Ask any questions you may have about surgery and the recovery period of rhinoplasty during the counseling session. It is important to understand after consulting a nose surgeon or plastic surgeon to understand what this surgery is and what results from you can expect after it.
Iran is the best destination for rhinoplasty, with the cheapest price and the most professional surgeons. For more information and to see the Mediranco packages, read the rhinoplasty in Iran page.
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