General Overview

Moeb Mehr Medical Center was established in 2004 to support patients. This center has provided a good platform for providing optimal health services with the attitude of public-private partnerships utilizing the strengths of both sectors , mostly for Kidney transplantation and urology non-invasive surgeries. Moheb mehr hospital has no shareholder and does not receive any funding or assistance from any government agency and is run solely on the basis of the principle of revenue conflict with costs. Moheb Mehr Hospital is one of the first private centers with basic and complementary insurance and the costs are lower than other private centers. The hospital consists of 150 beds in 11 wards, 1 angiography and angioplasty wards and 1 surgery part with 9 operating rooms.


This Subspecialty hospital provides services in :

  • ophtalmology
  • gynecology
  • cardiology
  • internal disease
  • Imaging
  • neurology
  • general surgery
  • Spinal surgery
  • laparascopy surgery for obesity
  • nephrology
  • infectious disease
  • ENT(ear,nose and throat)

Common surgical procedures in cardiology (like angiography , bypass of cardiac arteries) and orology ( TUL , TURP , prostate surgeries ,destruction of Renal and cystic stones , cystoscopy , nephrectomy , …) procedures are performed in this hospital

0098 2185555

Tehran Province, Tehran, Khalil Zade St , Moheb Mehr Hospital of Tehran

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